Posted by: Andre | September 3, 2013

We’ve Moved!



Yes, that’s right. We’ve moved – again! My wife and I have done it again. I have a standard answer when someone asks me where I’ve lived. I tell them I’ve been in the witness protection program just to make it easier for them to understand why we’ve moved so many times. Believe it or not, this recent move comes after our longest stay in any one place – 13 years in Middletown, NJ.

We were fortunate enough to have a small Asian woman come a knockin’ on our door sometime near the 4th of July. She introduced herself as a Realtor and, after researching the area, asked us if we would be interested in showing our home again after having removed it from the market for over a year. We had no intention of going back on the market, but who were we to look a gift horse in the mouth. We eventually listed in MLS and accepted the 3rd offer! We closed August 29th and moved the very next day. Now it’s after Labor day and we’ve down-sized and living in a beautiful development in Ocean, NJ not too far from the ocean!

No, that isn’t me moving everything we own on a bicycle, but it sure felt like it. My body now aches in more places than I thought I had. Oh to be 29 again!

Our new address is:

31 Charles Court
Ocean, NJ 07712

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